Developed in cooperation with Kirsten Jung, renowned specialist for bio-mechanics, this dressage saddle was designed to give riders more support - while finding and keeping their natural seat.
The forward flap position aligns the stirrups so to allow riders to adapt properly to the movement of the horse. For additional safety the saddle shifts the center of gravity of the rider slightly backwards. The knee inserts support a safe and balanced seat without restricting mobility.
The Pegasus® Butterfly KJ Dressage Saddle is particularly suitable for riders with back/hip complaints or trunk muscle issues. It offers generous withers clearance that allows for powerful strides out of the shoulder.
- Type: Dressage Saddle
- Color: Black
- Material: Naturally tanned leather from southern Germany and aniline dyed.
- Seat: 18" Semi-Deep
- Saddle Tree: Pegasus Butterfly®
- Saddle Flaps: Calfskin Covered
- Billets: Tearproff LEMICO®
- Blocks: fixed by Velcro, replaceable
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