High quality reins for double bridles. Extra long at 150 cm in length.
The curved reins have been developed within the framework of Uta Gräf collection. She wished a particularly soft rein, which allows a sensitive contact with the horse's mouth, having a length of 150 centimeters (ie 10 centimeters longer than conventional reins) and as material Softvelour-LEMICO ® because it feels good in the hand and even when moisture good grip provides.
The curb rein is manufactured in one piece. The hanging system on the bridle ring of asterisks means of hooks. All reins are available in black and maroon. LEMICO ® is anti-allergenic, very durable and moreover easy to maintain: The material is easily washed off with water and mild detergent and wiped dry with a soft cloth. LEMICO ® must neither be greased nor oiled.